Friday, March 8, 2024

Treatment Breakthroughs for Rare Kidney Disease


Home Dialysis

Many rare kidney disease patients will eventually end up needing dialysis, an ongoing treatment to remove excess fluid and waste from the blood when the kidneys can no longer do it. That typically means three to five sessions a week hooked up to a dialysis machine for several hours at a time. Previously a procedure that required trips to a medical center, the recent option of home dialysis is making that more manageable. “Most patients do better at home than in centers,” notes Dr. Molony. “They have reduced infection rates, fewer hospitalizations, and are happier because it’s easier to fit into life and allows them to contribute to their care.” That proved especially true during the COVID pandemic—those who did home dialysis had a substantially lower risk of getting COVID and dying than those who went out for dialysis treatment.

While the dialysis procedure hasn’t changed much in decades, the newer machines for home use have been made easier and safer with more alarms and sensors to alert patients, says Dr. Molony, making it possible to even do nocturnal dialysis while you sleep. “Nocturnal dialysis is a longer, slower treatment, which is easier on the kidneys, and the improved alarms keep patients safe while they sleep,” he notes. “Some people may be reluctant to try home dialysis, but they can learn self-care in a center first where someone can help, then move to home setup when they’re ready.”

Whatever your treatment future holds with rare kidney disease, there is reason to be optimistic. More and better options continue to emerge, helping people live longer, fuller lives with this condition.

This article was originally published March 8, 2023 and most recently updated March 15, 2023. 

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